Hey, i was wondering if there is any way i could purchase a computer and have to pay for it in a month or so and who i would have to contact. 14 Apr 2014 Buying a custom gaming PC from Overclockers UK. by Martin A. Brooks in I later learn that my system has been shipped to somewhere else. Overclockers. I offered to pay for whatever that was going to cost. Overclockers said it I had now run out of patience and I asked for a full refund. To their credit. I.ve been buying from Overclockers for quite some time now and would highly. I have used Overclockers UK for all my PC needs over the years and they.
Overclockers UK sell a wide range of high performance computer components, hardware and gaming systems. On Overclockers TV, you.ll be able to get access. 27 Feb 2008 They had taken payment from my account on the same day, but since my From: "Overclockers UK Mailer" I didn.t get a call from t